A significant number of people spend most of their time indoors. However, even if you feel comfortable in your Frederick, Maryland, home, you shouldn’t overlook its air quality. Without proper care, homes can harbor airborne pollutants that can harm your health. Common pollutants include dust mites and pollen. For this reason, investing in a quality air purifier is a necessity.
The Importance of a Quality Air Purifier
Installing an air purification system in your home has more benefits than you might realize. First, it maintains the health of the air in your home. The air in your house is full of micro-particles such as bacteria, viruses, dust and allergens that are dangerous to your health. Second, it increases home comfort by keeping the air cleaner and reducing airborne dust. Finally, it protects your HVAC system, which can be run less efficiently when bogged down by accumulated dust and dirt.
Indoor Air Quality Products
When it comes to proven solutions that can improve your home’s indoor air quality, we offer two of the best options in air purification:
CleanEffects Whole-House Air Cleaner
The performance of this advanced air filtration system exceeds even the best HEPA filter. The device can remove up to 99.98 percent of airborne particles while heating and cooling. It delivers clean and filtered air. As a result, you won’t have to worry about breathing in bacteria or allergens in your home.
FreshEffects Energy Recovery Ventilator
This whole-house IAQ solution exhausts stale indoor air and replaces it with fresh and preconditioned air from outside. As a result, it makes the air in your home feel fresher and cleaner. The ERV also decreases the amount of odors, naturally occurring gases and chemical vapors in tightly sealed homes.
Have you noticed a decrease in the air quality of your home? Call Cumberland Valley Heating & Air Conditioning to learn more about our IAQ products.